When Duck went to the pond with Auntie Duck, she found a frog. She set him down for one tiny second and the next thing she knew, he was gone!
Everyone Duck talks to points her in a different direction. WHAT is going on?
And where, oh where has Duck’s little frog gone?
While Duck searches for Frog, Auntie Duck settles in by the bond to enjoy the afternoon–unaware that she is just a few hops away from a big surprise.
“Five stars! The author pens a beautiful story for children which is informative as well as educational. This adorable story with its equally adorable characters will appeal to young readers in a big way.” Mamta Madhavan, Readers’ Favorite
HAVE YOU SEEN MY FROG? is available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook editions. Ask for it at your favorite bookstore, or find HAVE YOU SEEN MY FROG? at Amazon.com by following this link or at Barnes and Noble by following this link.
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This book is also available as a bilingual edition, with English and Spanish! Find out more about Have You Seen My Frog: Haz Visto A Mi Rana?: A Bilingual Story here.