This Just In: Book Trailer for The Very Hungry Duck!

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The book trailer for The Very Hungry Duck is now complete. Phew!

It was fun to learn how to make the book trailer. I wore many different hats (but NOT Jon Klassen’s hat–just so you know I’m innocent of THAT infraction, Mr. Bear). I was a research specialist, scriptwriter, photographer, videographer, director, editor, sound track manager, coffee cup filler, and general girl Friday.

When you watch the book trailer for The Very Hungry Duck, you’ll notice a video segment. I filmed this segment with some very special puppeteers and voice actors–the first grade students in Mrs. Ridinger’s class at Cornerstone Christian School. Thank you, parents, for the privilege of working with your amazing students. And thank you, students, for being such sweet, wonderful, and talented first graders. I had a lot of fun working with you!

If you haven’t watched the video yet, feel free to ignore my remaining words and click on the video to play it.

If making a book trailer intrigues you, come back later. I’ll write a “how to” post and share the steps I took to create mine.


6 Replies to “This Just In: Book Trailer for The Very Hungry Duck!”

    1. You wear just as many! I wonder how tall the hat stack would be if we got out a measuring tape? I suppose it’s just as well we don’t usually wear them ALL at the exact same time.

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