Hello. My name is Bernice.
You may recognize me, but you may not.
Although this is my little corner of the webiverse, I haven’t shown up in a while.
I mean, look at the date of my last blog post.
After finishing two books in quick succession in April of 2019, I took a break for two weeks . . . which turned into two months . . . which turned into two years (and then some).
You may ask, “What’s up with that?”
Then again, you may not. Because it’s not like we didn’t go through a major pandemic in the meantime.
The short answer is that that time marked a planned shift in focus from creating stuff like crazy to building my platform and marketing the stuff I’d been creating.
And that scared me.
Because I’m not good at marketing. I don’t know how to do it well. I’m not a salesperson. And I don’t want to sell things—I want to create content. Content that entertains, educates, and/or inspires.
The good news is, marketing isn’t about selling things. In his book Tribes, Seth Godin says, “Marketing is the act of telling stories about the things we make—stories that sell and stories that spread.” (page 15).
Telling stories? I can do that. In fact, I LOVE doing that!
Making things? I can do that. In fact, I LOVE doing that, as well!
As for the stories selling and spreading, I’ll trust what Austin Kleon says— “Share what you love, and the people who love the same things will find you.” (Show Your Work, page 19).
So, please allow me to reintroduce myself.
Hello. My name is Bernice. I write and illustrate children’s books, and I share about the process in this little corner of the webiverse. If you have a moment, please introduce yourself in the comment section. I’d be delighted to meet you (or to meet you again, as the case may be).