With libraries and schools shut down across the nation during the COVID-19 pandemic, our access to books is a little more limited. Publishers, authors, illustrators, and other professionals across the nation–and throughout the world–are sharing stories in creative ways.
One of the ways I am working to share literature is by offering free versions for most of my books during March and April. Some of these titles will be available as free Kindle books during certain times (I’ll post the titles and dates they are available for free below).
For other titles, I am creating “visual audiobooks” and will post them on my blog, along with free printable resources to help students connect with the story and words they may be learning (or reinforcing). Access to these videos will be available through May 31st, 2020.
Many of my books contain enrichment sections at the end with questions and activities for students. In addition, I create activity packets to go along with most of my books. These activity packets can be found on each book’s page on my website.
Free books from March 30-31 (clicking on a title will take you to the Kindle page):
Free books from April 8-12 (clicking on a title will take you to the Kindle page):
When I Grow Up/When I Was Young
Free book from April 13-17 (clicking on the title will take you to the Kindle page):
I hope that you are able to stay connected virtually with other people and with great literary and creative adventures during this period of social distancing.
All the best, Bernice